

• Broccoli - and the rest of the brassica family of vegetables are proven to support Phase 2 liver detoxification, eat plenty of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage (all kinds) and kale; in-fact rocket was observed to protect the liver against induced hepatic injury through its potent antioxidant activity. 

• Raw fermented vegetables – give increased nutrients and support the health of the colon which in turn aids the liver.

• Onions – all vegetables from this family including leeks, garlic and shallots provide natural mustard oil glycosides that greatly support liver detox processes.

• Beetroot – for blood building (the liver contains 13% of your body’s blood); beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is high in iron, is a good antioxidant and has been shown to protect liver cells.

The hepatoprotective activity of Beta vulgaris may be attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The plant is safe to use even in large doses. Phytochemical studies on roots of Beta vulgaris have shown the presence of betaine, betacyanins, betaxanthins, oxalic acid, and ascorbic acid. 

• Turmeric – a common spice you can add to soups, casseroles, curries and rice. Turmeric protects the liver against oxidative stress, improves blood circulation and improves liver function and detoxification processes.

It has been shown that curcumin found in turmeric is very effective in preventing liver damage induced by paracetamol overdose, and that the level of protection afforded by curcumin against paracetamol-induced liver damage is comparable to that of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), which is presently the main clinical treatment for paracetamol overdose in humans. 

• Grapefruit - Studies conducted over past decades have suggested that the grapefruit might be active in cellular regeneration, cholesterol reduction, the detoxifying process, and the maintenance of heart health, in rheumatoid arthritis, for the control of body weight, and in cancer prevention. Grapefruit juice is an excellent source of many phytochemicals and nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet. It reduces fat accumulation in the liver and increases liver enzymes involved detoxification.

• Berries - These include Blueberries (Bilberry), Cranberry and Grape due to anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins.

The results of one study indicated that treatment with Bilberry significantly increased the liver enzymes, and spleen function, improving the proliferation of lymphocytes deriving from this organ. In conclusion, the authors suggested that consuming this berry type protected Liver hepatocytes from Oxidative Stress and could modulate the function of immune cells. It is important to remember that the anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins like those found in berries are also widely available in fruits, vegetables, and seeds of natural origin.

Source of Information : How to Detox your Liver Naturally

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